Friday, June 26, 2009

It's a ________!!!!!

6/26/09 Ultrasound - full body shot
*Whole body shot of baby*

Today was a big appointment for Kelley and I. We had a level two ultrasound scheduled. What is a level two ultrasound? Pretty much a more in depth ultrasound. This ultrasound was to check out me and the baby - and was to go in a little more detail.

The ultrasound tech started with me, checking my insides to make sure things looked good. She scanned my uterus overall, my cervix, and all sorts of things around there to make sure that nothing would be a problem, that they could tell, in the future.

6/26/09 Ultrasound - full body
*Slightly closer up full body shot*

Next came baby. She started by checking the babies head, she also checked the thickness of the skin on the back of babies head. She checked the nasal bone length and things like that. We got to see each of the chambers of the heart, and there was a cool thing she could do to show the blood flow through the heart as well. We were able to see the whole spine, ribs, everything in detail, it was incredibly neat. Being able to see each of the babies ribs, each tiny little bone, was just awesome. When asked for a guess on about how big the baby is right now - I was told about 10 inches long. TEN inches of baby is sitting inside of me right now, in just 20 weeks baby has gone from not even a dog to ten inches from the top of his head to his feet, it's just incredible to think about.

6/26/09 Ultrasound of heart
*shot of baby's heart*

We let the ultrasound tech know that we would be delighted if she could tell us what we were having. She let us know that the babies legs were wide open (no leg crossing, or hiding, being shy) which to me meant that it would be a good view. The tech also asked if I had any feelings as to what we were having. I told her the truth, I thought it was a boy, I've felt we were having a boy since I first got pregnant, I can't explain why, but it's just how I felt.

That was when she told me that my gut was right! It's a boy! His name is Christopher Allen Doern - in memory of Kelley's best friend growing up. I think the greatest moment for me, was the look on Kelley's face, and the look in his eyes as he said "we're having a boy".

6/26/09 Ultrasound - showing off Christophers
*It's a boy - and he's got the parts to prove it, there's a small arrow pointing to the goods*

Chris was moving around the entire time, I think that was the hardest thing the tech had to deal with, Chris bouncing and moving all over the place the entire time. At one point when she was showing us his heart, he put his hand over his heart - Kelley called him a patriot. There were also so many times when he was sucking his thumb, or it looked like it.

6/26/09 Ultrasound photo of Christopher Allen Doern
*By far my favorite ultrasound shot thus far - Christopher sucking his thumb in the womb, apparently we have a pacifier baby*

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